Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SpringOne 2GX - Geb, Very Groovy Browser Automation

Presenter: Luke Daley (Geb project creator)
12:45pm 10/16/2012

Some Uses for Geb
  • web application functionality/acceptance tessting
  • automating web web sites (e.g., data entry)
  • screen scraping
Geb is not itself a testing framework but integrates with the major ones (spock, junit, testng, etc.)

Uses Selenium WebDriver (successor to Selenium sponsored by Google). Becoming a W3C standard (http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webdriver/raw-file/eaf167113ac0/webdriver-spec.html)

Provides cross-browser support (firefox, chrome, htmlunit, ie, ...)

Supports Remote Browsers (e.g., driving an IE browser on some other host). SauceLabs offers remote web browsers that Geb can use (this costs $$).

selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar (to drive a browser remotely).

I'm sorry for not writing more about this session but I was listening too intently to take detailed notes. This was a good session.


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