SpringOne 2GX - Advanced Metaprogramming With Groovy
Presenter: Jeff Brown4:30pm 10/17/2012
What is Metaprogramming?
In this context we mean the ability to change the behavior of a program at runtime.Dynamic Dispatch
Ability to intercept and modify method/property access at runtime.MOP = Meta Object Protocol
Metaprogramming Hooks
- void setProperty(String name, value) { } - called whenever a property is set
- def getProperty(String name) { } - called whenever a property is retrieved
- def methodMissing(String methodName, args) { } - called when a method that does not exist is invoked
- def propertyMissing(String name, value) { }
- def propertyMissing(String name) { }
Closures and Delegates
Every closure has delegate, owner and resolveStrategy properties.Every class has a meta Class: className.metaClass to which you can assign properties/methods.
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